Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Horseshoes Pits and Bowling a Strike!

With the weather cooling down we took to the outdoors for a great pastime: Horseshoes. Kinder through third grade learned the game of horseshoes by reviewing underhand throwing skills and working on their depth perception. We used plastic stakes and hoops to make a horseshoe pit to which they worked on throwing accuracy and distance with plastic horseshoes (see pictures below). 

When we finished, we connected these pieces to the game of bowling. Over the last two weeks we have learned strategies for bowling and used our math skills to score the games. We used plastic bowling pins set up in an arrangement of 6 to knock down and score the big strike! In the end, we were able to play competitive games keeping track of everyone's score.

When we return to school next week we will begin our final unit before Winter break. We will be reviewing our Team Handball skills to apply to Basketball! We are looking forward to a classic sport and an opportunity to teach the fundamentals and basic strategies of the game. Our goal is to demonstrate proper dribbling, passing, shooting and optimize the triple threat!

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

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